A fine model of policing and a sector which also works like any well-organized corporation. Training and Orientation of different scales and diversity leads the force towards a connected and community sensitive service. Police is part of the public and vice versa. Hence understanding the public pulse is necessary for enhanced communication between the enforcers and abiders. New York Police Department has been a model of study and appreciation for other law enforcement organizations across the world. Through the years they have implemented a lot of wellness programmes and training modules which has earned global acclaim. To mention a few.
1. Witness Protection Program-
Witness protection program is one initiative which is of the finest order. It not only secures the providence of the case but also ensures through and uninterrupted admission by witnesses, without intimidation, leading to a just and proven conviction onto the deliverance of justice.
2. Best practices for Nightlife Establishments –
New York is a city of sky scrappers and a thriving night life which attracts people from all over America. A huge number of people visiting the hotspots and booking venues for meetings and parties, requires the protection of their investment and peaceful engagements. Influx of people into one place at one time would surely increase chances of friction between different members of the public as it brings forth several avenues for criminal indulgences and other. Hence,NYPD along with the New York Nightlife Association has been working towards ensuring a safe and secure environment for the flourishing of Night life in New York City.
It is working along with the nightlife owners and professionals and other self-help organizations to ensure stress free enjoyment without safety concerns. The thorough outlines and guidelines web up a safety net for the people and owners alike. An initiative like this represents the openness and understanding of the community and a wide spectrum of culture within permissible limits.
Know your Neighbours better
Is a one of its kind campaign run by the Metropolitan Police from the October 3rd to the October 23rd across London. They use a 360* approach for getting their messages across. This campaign was conducted in bus stands the underground and even with press bodies like the Metro and the Evening Standard as well as local the press. Alongside posters this campaign is also run in the radios in the form of a 40 sec. advert. This campaign was designed to make the neighbourhoods safer and making the community connected to the police in a more integrated fashion than as an isolation.
It was meant to promote the new 101 emergency number and helping people identify with their local police stations and the people serving them. This campaign is an organic one with videos and photographs of the officer with the general members of the public. The use of social media for the promotion of this campaign is also very active. It has helped induce an environment of comfort and communion between the force and the public.
Know what the police is doing in your area
The campaign has been designed to increase awareness and lines of familiarity with the police. Helping This 360* campaign is modelled across three boroughs in London and their respective wards. The highlight of the campaign is to inform the people about the work police is doing in their area to reduce crime and build an environment of trust so that the public has more faith instilled in the local police administration. This campaign was designed backed by the evidence that people gain confidence in the transparency showed by the work the police has been doing. The way in which the police department connected with the general members of the public is through more popular mediums of association like the social media and posters and radio adverts.
Australia Federal Police
The Australian Police service has conceptualized this with Microsoft to build an interface which can provide protection for children in Cyberspace . This orientation program is run for children and parents alike. Ideally the orientation is given through the premises of schools. It informs children and parents about safe practices on the internet.
National community engagement strategy
The National Community Engagement Strategy is an initiative by the AFP implemented through the Community Liaison Team to aid build trust , positivity and connect with the community. The objective of this program is to de-radicalize extremist mind sets. Build a bridge within the society to give a feeling of unity and fraternity. In the long run it is aimed at mitigating such friction within the society. National Community Engagement Strategy has the some objectives to realise.
1. Build trust and foster cooperation between the AFP, partner agencies and communities identified at risk.
2. Develop information sharing with other relevant organisations, leading to enhanced communication and decision making processes.
3. Provide support to AFP investigations through increased awareness of cultural, ethnic, religious and language programs.
4. Provide alternative narratives to extremist rhetoric.
5. Develop evaluation techniques which identify gaps in community engagement, and provide solutions to fill those gaps. These are some of the good practices incorporated by the AFP to improve the image of the police and build a better connect with the people it serves. The purpose of these practices is to impact the society in a positive manner and eradicate the sense of fear and hatred that exists in a diverse society. This is how some of the prominent police forces around the world are working towards building a better force with much more passionateapproach towards work and policing. To empower the force with the knowledge of technology to help face crisis ‘s of the modern world.
One of the finest forces in Asia and definitely a model of study for many developing country police forces. Established in
Silver Watch Group
Nobility as a trait is a must have for Police institutions of exemplary stature. They are the model citizens who set standards of discipline and decorum for the society to follow. Our parents and teachers who have taught us to respect our elders, value the traditions passed by them are the ones often victimized in older age. The Silver watch Group specially designed for the aged by the Singapore Police to create a shield of protection around them.
This programme educates the elderly about crimes they might be vulnerable to like robbery, theft andsnatchings. Help them identify the signs and react in the correct time to raise an alarm. The purpose of the programme is to impart preventive knowledge to the elderly and make them less vulnerable to crime. This is done through a three foldarrangement Inform( the elderly‘s about several crime prevention measures), Involve( the elderly‘s in active crime prevention information dissemination to the other elderly‘s), Inspire(the other elderly‘s in taking active part in crime prevention).
Youth engagement programme
Identifying a problem at its initial stages and uprooting it ensuresa healthy crop. In the same way the youth of any country is its future and protecting the future from social evils is also a task of the custodians of the society, the police force. Singapore police quite prudently has identified this phenomenon and has been taking constructive steps to address the problem at its very root. Youngsters are very impressionable and can get easily carried away into the world of crime by harbouring bad influences.
They require a positive role model to look up to,feel motivated, in life for being on the right track. Singapore police is exactly giving them this opportunity by arranging camps and youth focus group sessions. The focus is on teenagers between 13 – 14 years of age. The focus of this activity is to alter attitudes and shape social perception. It has had its inception in 2012 and since then it has been popular with the youth as they are responding to it quite well.